Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cinnamon Roll Cake - sharing from the kitchen today!

The other day I had a wonderful text from my friend Erin who lives a couple of hours away ....
She was just wishing I could stop over and to have a chat and a coffee.  Those are the best "thinking of you" messages that just brighten ones day!

So Erin, and my other long distance friends and family,,,,,if you could stop by for a visit  today, this is what we could share over a cuppa coffee.  Enjoy!!

The recipe is really easy !

I try not to do alot of baking, cause with just Darrell and I at home we will eat it ALL!!
I like to try new recipes though, so todays baking will be shared with Darrell's co workers and I think I will drop some off at my daughter in laws workplace as well....she works in the same office as our nephew, so I can give them both something to enjoy at coffee break!  And,,,,I did eat too many of the side pieces that I cut off,,,so it is off for a walk for me!!

Sharing over at:


Gina said...

Oh my my! I pinned this before I even read your post!! It looks absolutely delicious. I have to try it. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Dawna.

Vee said...

Me, too. I even looked for Gina's pin and couldn't find it. Looks a lot easier than cinnamon rolls.

Judy said...

It looks most delicious! I know what you mean...about having to eat what one bakes. I have the same problem over here!

Lorrie said...

Oh, how delicious looking. I wonder if it could be halved and baked in an 8x8 - I might try that.

When you come over for your trip, maybe we can get together for coffee/tea?

eileeninmd said...

Your Cinnamon Roll Cake looks and sounds delicious. I am copying your recipe, if you do not mind! Thanks for sharing, have a happy day and week ahead!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Haha, your recipe is a hit, I've pinned it like everyone else and think it looks so good!
I love an invitation from bloggers to join them for coffee (or tea) and sit and chat while we sip, eat the goodies and have a relaxing conversation.
Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Dawna and sharing your recipe.

Lorrie said...

Hi Dawna,
I successfully divided the recipe and baked it in an 8 x 8 pan and it turned out beautifully. Delicious! Thank you for sharing it. I've linked to it in a post.

Pondside said...

I will try to make this before I leave Edmonton. I think the little boys would be thrilled to have this for breakfast!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I love this, it sounds easy and looks yummy. I will add it in with our Easter brunch~

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oooo, doesn't this look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

I saw your link over at Lorrie's, glad I stopped in to visit. A lovely blog.

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places.... Brenda

Pondside said...

Hi again, Dawna - in the middle of a crazy Easter morning with four little grandchildren hunting for eggs I made the cake. It is a big hit! That's for the recipe!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Looks so good!
Thanks for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

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