I finally got some still shots of Ben's Provincial medal and his hockey equipment done. Thankfully there is still a little bit of snow in the yard and it was my backdrop for todays "photo shoot".....professionals make this picture taking stuff look so easy! A professional, I am NOT!
Some of Ben's equipment has been kicking around the entry waiting for me to get these pictures done before the hockey bag gets packed away. I washed most of his equipment..only to hear this comotion from the basement..."Mom, did you wash my GOLD WINNING equipment".....oops! Too late Benny! What is it with boys and not being able to wash their stinky equipment!
I thought these pictures looked kinda neat as black and white and this will also be my Mosaic Monday post for over at the Little Red House.

We have had a great run of hockey in our little town. I remember when Ben was about 4 or 5 years old and we would take him to the rink for public skating. It took us a little while to sign Ben up for hockey though. Alot of his little friends started as Mites, but we just didn't know if we wanted to do the "hockey thing". Finally though, one fall registration session, Darrell came home and just said "I signed Ben up for hockey!"... no discussion, nothing!! At first I panicked, because we were busy on week ends with That Country Place when it was the gift shop, and I just didn't know if I wanted to be a "hockey mom".
I remember his first "tryout" session....oh boy! He had some catching up to do and could hardly skate backwards. I thought for sure he would come off the ice discouraged and want to quit,,,,but I was wrong!! and our years of hockey in Hanna Minor hockey began! Of course, now it is all "memories" and over the years I have kept a scrapbook of Ben's hockey. It has been a fun album to work on as it is one theme, I used the Colts colors, a great way to incorporate all those "team" photos you get and will be a great keepsake for him.
Learning to skate on a little "puddle" and on the dugout
Needing help from dad to tie up his skates
Some hockey camp moments with the Neidermayer brothers. Every little boys dream to skate with some NHL stars.
Ben did experience a broken leg and it happened when playing hockey.
I don't think there is one game that Darrell or I have not been at.
Darrell was working on this Dec 18th day and I was running late trying to get away from
having the shop open. I was just headed out the door to the game, when the phone rang.
It was another hockey mom telling me not to worry, but Ben had been hurt!!
A broken leg set him back and he was not able to finish the season that year. Turned out he had a cyst in his bone, so that leg would have broke eventually. I am just glad that I didn't see him on the ice that day. When I arrived at the rink, he was already moved onto some tables and waiting for the ambulance.
Movin up the ranks to Pee Wee..
Coaches corner is a page I started doing....
Ben was fortunate to be able to play in 1 Bantam Provincials hosted in Hanna
as well as 3 Midget Provincials (2 of those hosted in Hanna), over the course of his hockey years.
Being from a small town, you play with the same kids year in and year out!
Great memories..
What would hockey be without some cheering fans!!
Midget already!!
Wearing the hard hat!
The boys came so close to winning a medal last year too,,,,but it wasn't meant to be.
There is alot to be learned for both parents and kids in organized sports. We have been part of a great group of parents and I will miss seeing them all at the rink as we cheered our kids on. This year was the best though. Hosting the Provincial B tournament in Hanna was great!! Small town living at its best as you would see the stands full with hometown fans cheering our boys onto a great victory! I work at one of the banks in town, and had many clients asking how the team was doing over the year and when the boys brought home the Gold Medal I had lots of congratulations from people at work! The last Midget team to bring home a gold medal in Provincials in Hanna was 40 years ago!!! So our boys did the community proud too!
A proud dad and an emotional Ben :)
We love you Benny and are proud of you. May you always play in the game of life with integrity, honesty and know that hard work always pays off.
It was bitter sweet as I watched Ben come out of the dressing room for the last time. The hallway was filled with cheering fans and parents and when each player walked down the hallway he was greeted by applause, high fives and "great job"......
Well, sorry about the long post today ladies! Thought it would be a good way to show you some of my scrapbooking pages too. Hope some of you are still reading!! Now I must really get back to my income taxes!! I think I have about an hours worth of work left and that can get crossed off the list!
Also posting to MellowYellow Monday
A beautiful post...love all the scrapbook pages and your mosaic...
Have a beautiful week!!!
I think one very proud Mum posted all these delightful photos! Congratulations to both you and your son!
My friend Kate would love all this hockey business! Good sport to get the kids involved in. Neat mosaics! Wonderful......
A post from the heart. So much love has gone into those scrapbook pages. I know they will be treasured.
Beautiful post! I enjoyed looking at your photos.
Have a fabulous week!
Liz @ MLC
Beautiful post from a proud mom! wonderful scrapbooking!
have a nice Monday!
check out mine too, it's cute!
Cute Yellow Plane
Would be happy to have you visit the Mellow yellow at my page, thanks!
Looking gorgeous!! Nice look Thanks for sharing.If want to get information on mosaic tools for making mosaic art just visit link.
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